Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Be Radical

Each trip to Haiti, we are asked to read a book as part of our morning devotions and then we discuss what we have read during our nightly meetings. This past trip, we read the book Radical, by David Platt. Now, we have read this book on a previous trip, but that was probably five years ago, so it was good to read it again. 
I would like to take some time to share with you some quotes from this book that really resonated with me, especially with my 10-week trip to Haiti on the horizon. My plan is to share with you four or five different quotes over the next few weeks.

“Regardless of what country we live in, what skills we possess, what kind of education we have, or what kind of salary we make, Jesus has commanded each of us to make disciples, and this is the means by which we will impact the world. Indeed, Jesus has invited us to join with him in the surprisingly simple journey of spreading the gospel to all nations by spending our lives for the good of others and the glory of God.”

         This quote really resonated for a couple of reasons. The first half of the first sentence grabbed my attention because it includes everyone, by not breaking down into race or ethnicity. Also, a lot of times I find myself doubting my abilities and my adequacy to share the Gospel and make disciples. I’ll think I’m not smart enough, educated enough, old enough or have enough life experience to do it. But that’s not the case and it is Satan telling me those things. I know this because 1 Timothy 4:12 says, “Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.” Those doubts that I have are just excuses that I cannot let myself believe.
         The second half of that sentence is just as compelling. Jesus has commanded us to go and make disciples. He did not suggest it, he did not mention it in passing, he commanded it. By doing this, we will impact the world. I don’t about you, but I’m always dreaming of what it would be like to change the world, to make it a better place. Here is my chance. Here is your chance. Go and make disciples.
         The last part of the quote is rather simple. Join with Jesus on this journey of making disciples by living not for yourself, but for others, bringing glory to God. It doesn’t matter who you are, what you do, what you make, or where you live. Once your life has been changed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ and you begin a relationship with him, you are given the power of the Holy Spirit, the same Spirit that rose Jesus from the grave (Romans 8:11). You need not be afraid or timid to share the same Good News that you received.
         This whole quote encouraged me because it was affirmation that what I am planning to do with my time in Haiti is worthwhile. I am laying down my doubt at the cross of Christ and saying “Yes, Lord, I’ll go.” I am obeying Him who created me for good works. I do not need to be afraid.
         Thank you, Lord, for saving me and calling me out into the water. I pray that You would strengthen me and draw me closer to You during this time.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I ask that you please keep me in your prayers during this time. If you would like to help financially, click here. Thank you and God bless you.

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