I’m in Haiti right now. The Bible tells us, “‘Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.’”- Matthew 28:19-20I just couldn't believe that someone who claims to be a Christian would say that we shouldn't travel to these types of countries because they are unsafe. We are never called to safety. Should we be wise and discerning in when and where we choose to go? Absolutely, but we should not just base our decision on whether or not we will be safe wherever we go. If that was the case, I'm not sure there would be anywhere we could go, even staying in our own city or neighborhood could even be dangerous. Ultimately, we aren't in control. Your house could be broken into, you could be hit by a car, someone could bring a gun into your school or church or another gun free zone, you could have a heart attack at work. In my opinion, we live in a fallen world which means that there is no safe place because sin runs ramped. If we, as Christians, are scared to go, who will? Does our love for nonbelievers outweigh our own fear? Our do we love ourselves and our safety more than we love them?
This is exactly where I am to be right now. Yes, children can do missions work in their own country, and I think that they should! But it is our duty to go. To go to the people in our own country and to go to the people in other countries. As Christians, we aren’t called to life of safety and security, but to a life of obedience and disciple-making. If we aren’t supposed to come to places like Haiti, then who is going to do it? Did Jesus stay in one country? Did Jesus live a life of safety? Did Jesus promise us that we would never face persecution and hardships? No. But He did promise us that he will always be with us. He will never leave us nor forsake us. He will go before us. And ultimately, His will will be done. My worst fear, if I have children of my own, is that I could hinder them from pursing God’s will for their lives by wanting to control their safety. I’m thankful that my parents have been faithful to pray for me and for my safety, but that they have relinquished that desire to control my safety, and give it over to God.
The current situation in Haiti is scary, but it has also brought me so much perspective. This is reality for the people here. Unlike me, they can't just get on a plane when something like this happens and escape it. They have to live it, each and every day it goes on. Each day they have to live with a corrupt government that only looks out for their own pockets. Each day they have to live with the possibility of something happening that disrupts their daily life. Perhaps the worst part about it all, no one knows when it will end. When will the rioting stop? The protests? The roadblocks? The looting? The demonstrations? No one knows. One can only assume. One can only pray and plead with God that it stops. That something changes. This is the world they live in. It is heartbreaking to see a country that I love so much burn itself to the ground. I realize that I can't change it. I can't solve all the problems of this country. I can't change the government. I can't change the reality that they live in.
But that doesn't stop me from coming. The fact that I may not always be safe doesn't stop me. The lack of comforts doesn't stop me. Even though I can't change any of those things mentioned above, I still come. Why? Because even though I can't change the whole country, I can change the life of one or two people. I can bring encouragement to a pastor that is struggling. I can bring hope to a child that feels forgotten. I can bring the good news of Jesus Christ to someone that hasn't heard it before. I choose to believe that my God can work in and through me to change the life of the people that I come into contact with here. I often times am reminded of the starfish story while I am here. There was a boy walking along a beach full of washed up starfish. He was walking along throwing them back into the water and an older man stopped and said, "You can't save them all, kid." The kid looked down, picked one up, threw it back into the ocean and said, "I just saved that one." I see all the bad things in this country and I know that I can't change it all. I can't help every single child, every single pastor and every single person. But I can help some. I can do my part that God has called me to. I can be faithful to the work that I have been given, allowing God to present me the opportunities to help those that I am able to. I realize that it is only God who can change this country and that I can't do it by myself. But with God's help, I can help some.
It is also important to note that what is going on in Port-au-Prince is not a reflection of the whole country. It is not a reflection of every Haitian. As with any group of people, there are some bad apples, but those bad apples don't define the whole bunch. In my time here while the protests and riots have been going on, I have never once felt like I was in physical danger. I knew that the Haitians that I was with would give their lives to keep us safe if it came down to it. Fortunately, that hasn't been the case. After arriving back in Pignon, we have not experienced anything like what was going on in Port-au-Prince and Cap-Haitien, thankfully.
I ask that you would continue to pray with me for the country of Haiti. Pray for the government, the people, the missionaries and other foreigners who are here, and for the situation in general, that God would somehow bring glory to Himself through it. You can also pray that the situation is cleared up by Monday because Miranda is supposed to travel here through Port-au-Prince then. Finally, be in prayer that the team from Berean is also able to still make the trip here as well; they are due to arrive on the 20th.
As always, we can praise the Lord. We can praise Him for his protection and provision. We can praise Him for the good times and during the bad times. We can praise them that we made it back to Pignon. We can praise Him because he is sovereign and always in control.